Principal Investigator
Associate Professor, Evan R. Trivedi
B.S. Chemistry, Purdue University, 2005 (Rothwell/Abu-Omar)
Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry, Northwestern University, 2011 (Hoffman)
NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan, 2012-2014 (Pecoraro)
The Academic Family Tree

This could be you!
Former group members (recent position):
Morgan Deal - B.S. Chemsitry, Honors College, 2023 (Grad Student, Wayne St.)
Danny Bem - B.S. Chemsitry, Honors College, 2023
Grace Nolan - B.S. Biomedical Sciences, Honors College, 2023
Jacob Adamski - B.S. Chemistry, 2022 (Grad Student, U. of Michigan)
Aaron Bogden - B.S. Chemistry, Honors College, 2022 (Grad Student, Vanderbilt U.)
Giuliano Romano - B.S. Biomedical Sciences, Honors College, 2022 (Medical Student, OU/WB School of Medicine)
Nick Vinokurov - B.S. Biomedical Sciences, Honors College, 2022 (Medical Student, Wayne St.)
Nathan Slater - B.S. Chemistry, 2021 (Grad. Student, Mich. St.)
Rosemarie Calandrino - B.S. Chemistry, 2020 (Michigan Public Health Institute, Okemos, MI)
Lauren Dolmage - B.S. Chemistry, Honors College, 2020 (MBA Student, OU)
Jeff Harting - B.S. Biochemistry, 2020
Rebekah Wroblewski - B.S. Chemistry, 2019 (Grad. Student, Ohio St.)
Jake Farnsworth - B.S. Chemistry, 2019 (Grad. Student, UCLA)
Katherine McAuliffe - B.S. Chemistry, 2018 (Grad. Student, Duke University)
Leart Sejdarasi - M.S. Chemistry, 2017 (Grad. Student, U. Toledo)
Megan Kaster - B.S. Chemistry, 2017 (Grad. student, Northwestern; NIH NRSA F31 Fellow)
Regina Szlag - B.S. Chemistry, 2017 (Grad. student, Wayne St.)
Dr. Nikita Chaudhary - Postdoc (Postdoc., University of Stellenbosch, South Africa)
Lauren Cochran - B.S. Chemistry, 2016 (Nissan Motor Corp., Farm. Hills, MI)
Brooke Corbin - B.S. Chemistry, 2016 (Ph.D., Wayne St., 2022; NIH NRSA F31 Fellow; WSU MARC Program Facilitator)
Karl Nielsen - B.S. Chemistry, 2016 (Grad. student, Michigan St.)
Jessica Hovey - B.S. Chemistry, Honors College, 2016 (Grad. student, Wayne St.)
Zach Campo - B.S. Engineering Chemistry, 2015 (Reliable Analysis, Inc., Madison Heights, MI)
Morgan Deal - B.S. Chemsitry, Honors College, 2023 (Grad Student, Wayne St.)
Danny Bem - B.S. Chemsitry, Honors College, 2023
Grace Nolan - B.S. Biomedical Sciences, Honors College, 2023
Jacob Adamski - B.S. Chemistry, 2022 (Grad Student, U. of Michigan)
Aaron Bogden - B.S. Chemistry, Honors College, 2022 (Grad Student, Vanderbilt U.)
Giuliano Romano - B.S. Biomedical Sciences, Honors College, 2022 (Medical Student, OU/WB School of Medicine)
Nick Vinokurov - B.S. Biomedical Sciences, Honors College, 2022 (Medical Student, Wayne St.)
Nathan Slater - B.S. Chemistry, 2021 (Grad. Student, Mich. St.)
Rosemarie Calandrino - B.S. Chemistry, 2020 (Michigan Public Health Institute, Okemos, MI)
Lauren Dolmage - B.S. Chemistry, Honors College, 2020 (MBA Student, OU)
Jeff Harting - B.S. Biochemistry, 2020
Rebekah Wroblewski - B.S. Chemistry, 2019 (Grad. Student, Ohio St.)
Jake Farnsworth - B.S. Chemistry, 2019 (Grad. Student, UCLA)
Katherine McAuliffe - B.S. Chemistry, 2018 (Grad. Student, Duke University)
Leart Sejdarasi - M.S. Chemistry, 2017 (Grad. Student, U. Toledo)
Megan Kaster - B.S. Chemistry, 2017 (Grad. student, Northwestern; NIH NRSA F31 Fellow)
Regina Szlag - B.S. Chemistry, 2017 (Grad. student, Wayne St.)
Dr. Nikita Chaudhary - Postdoc (Postdoc., University of Stellenbosch, South Africa)
Lauren Cochran - B.S. Chemistry, 2016 (Nissan Motor Corp., Farm. Hills, MI)
Brooke Corbin - B.S. Chemistry, 2016 (Ph.D., Wayne St., 2022; NIH NRSA F31 Fellow; WSU MARC Program Facilitator)
Karl Nielsen - B.S. Chemistry, 2016 (Grad. student, Michigan St.)
Jessica Hovey - B.S. Chemistry, Honors College, 2016 (Grad. student, Wayne St.)
Zach Campo - B.S. Engineering Chemistry, 2015 (Reliable Analysis, Inc., Madison Heights, MI)